

Hand-made Moringa oil. This oil works for all types of skin. Moringa Oil is a rich source of powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that meet all your skin's needs. It provides protective barriers, fights acne, gets rid of dark spots, and works as an anti-aging solution. The oil helps heal skin issues like rips and scratches. This oil is a real remedy to the aches of eczema. The oil is smooth and does not stick. Moringa Oil gives you the natural golden glow that creates real natural beauty. 

Please Note: Avoid Eye Contact. Stop using the product if any contrary reaction occurs. Advise your doctor if the circumstance continues.

Recommended Patch Test: Please complete a patch test before using any new products by rubbing a small amount of the merchandise on your wrist. Please perform this task for at least three days before using it on your face.

Clean Your Skin. Apply your cleanser of choice to a sponge and do a soft scrub with your hands. Clean your hands and make sure they are fully dry before you apply the oil. Apply the oil with precision and cleanliness to your face. (Remember to complete the patch test)
